Hello adiksigitaris !
Just wanna say Selamat Natal - Merry Christmas 2013 !
Keep Strumming !
Sebuah blog - tulisan - literatur prematur demi berbagi "ilmu" tentang gitar elektrik serta segala hal yang berkaitan dengannya.
Desember 25, 2013
Desember 22, 2013
Hello Adiksigitaris!
Yap, kami menganggap bahwasanya jejaring sosial media is "a must have" item di era serba digital ini. So, akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk membuat akun resmi Adiksigitar Blog di Twitter dengan alamat @adiksigitar , diharapkan dapat memudahkan kalian untuk akses ke blog ini ataupun untuk gitaris yang memiliki pertanyaan, saran, kritik untuk blog LITERATUR PREMATUR TENTANG GITAR ELEKTRIK ini. Kami tunggu koneksi kalian di twitter ya!
Keep strumming and twitting !
@adiksigitar @febriano84
Desember 21, 2013
dewa gitar Indonesia seperti I Wayan Balawan (Batuan Ethnic Fusion),
Bengbeng (Pas Band), John Paul Ivan (mantan gitaris Boomerang yang kini
bergabung di RI1 Band, Ipunk (Power Metal), dan Andy Owen akan unjuk
gigi sekaligus bagi-bagi ilmu gratis dalam acara Djarum Super GitarPlus
Gitaran Sore 2013.
Acara yang digelar di Atrium Solo Square Sabtu (21/12/2013) mulai pukul 16.00 WIB-22.00 WIB ini Tak hanya disuguhi penampilan para gitaris handal Tanah Air, acara ini juga menjadi ajang unjuk gigi bagi anggota komunitas gitaris se-Soloraya, Solo Guitar Community (SGC).
Penggagas kegiatan sekaligus pendiri Majalah GitarPlus, Caecilia Intan Pratiwi, mengutarakan gelaran ke-23 di Solo bakal menjadi penutup rangkaian gelaran GitarPlus Gitaran Sore. Berbeda dari sejumlah kota di Indonesia yang menyajikan komposisi gitaris yang beragam, ajang unjuk kebolehan sekaligus coaching clinic di Solo nanti bakal didominansi gitaris beraliran rock.
“Sebelumnya kami menawarkan kepada anggota komunitas gitar di Solo, siapa saja gitaris yang ingin diundang ke Solo. Mereka minta agar komposisinya lebih banyak gitaris rock. Kami tidak bisa merealisasi semua gitaris berhubung jadwal mereka juga padat. Akhirnya para gitaris ini yang terpilih dan dibawa ke Solo,” terang perempuan yang akrab disapa Intan ini, ketika berbincang dengan Espos, Jumat (20/12/2013) sore.
Intan mengutarakan Solo dipilih menjadi salah satu kota yang disambangi acara Gitaran Sore lantaran melihat besarnya potensi dan atensi gitaris lokal Solo. “Seperti semangat awal saya saat membuat acara ini, lewat acara ini kami ingin mengembangkan bakat potensial gitaris lokal. Solo sendiri saya lihat komunitas gitarisnya sudah berkembang dan para personelnya aktif,” ujarnya.
Secara terpisah, Ketua Solo Guitar Community, Yura Palestrina, mengatakan 15 dari 50 gitaris yang tergabung di komunitasnya bakal turut memeriahkan gelaran ini. “Ada sekitar 15 anggota Solo Guitar Community yang ikut perform. Mereka akan jamming dan bermain dengan komposisi minus one,” bebernya.
Menurut Yura, acara tersebut menjadi salah satu gelaran yang ditunggu Solo Guitar Community. Selain bisa memperkaya kemampuan bermusik anggotanya, lanjutnya, acara ini juga bisa sarana kumpul-kumpul komunitas musik di Solo.
Desember 19, 2013
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Stringed instruments, particularly guitars, have a tendency to get out of tune during playing, especially if strings are bent. In the late 1980s, Gibson developed a system called the Gibson Robot Guitar which used an onboard computer, motors, and a battery to keep the instrument in tune, but the system was complex and did not gain much marketplace acceptance, according to one report.
Guitarist and engineering student Cosmos Lyles came up with a device
to keep his guitar in tune, and with the help of engineer Paul Dowd
produced a prototype of the EverTune bridge, which uses a spring and lever system that maintains string tension.
The EverTune bridge keeps a guitar in tune despite changes in tension. The mechanical device maintains a constant state of tension despite changes in temperature or humidity or the exertion of pressure on the string.
On a guitar, the bridge has six springs and levers, one for each of a guitar's six strings,such that "when a string stretches or slips, the springs apply the
opposing force necessary to compensate for the shift, thus maintaining
the correct tension and tuning."In theory, the device can work with any stringed instrument, according to the inventors.
The mechanism has been patented. A guitar with one installed is no
longer tuned by turning the pegs at the end of the guitar's neck but
rather with a screw on the bridge.(wikipedia)
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Mekanisme EverTune |
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Pre_Installed On ESP LTD |
Yeah baby! Okay guys, adiksigitaris from all over the world, bridge ini merupakan penyanggah senar yang boleh dibilang berinovasi tinggi, merupakan bridge yang 100% dipastikan dapat membuat senar kamu jauh dari kata "out-of-tune" walaupun kamu strumming dengan sangat sadis, kamu bending senar kamu sampai naek 20 oktaf (lebay! ha!) dijamin bakal tetap in-tune, stabil dan tidak akan fals.
Mekanisme bridge ini adalah menggunakan 6 buah pegas untuk setiap senarnya dan bekerja sangat sempurna untuk menjaga gitar kamu tetap in-tune, setiap senar memiliki sadelnya masing-masing, dan akan bergerak maju-mundur mengikuti gerakan senar, cocok banget digunakan untuk kamu yang sering mengaplikasikan teknik bending gila-gilaan pada saat bermusik bahkan kamu tarik sekuat tenaga seperti Ola Englund juga masih tetap in-tuned! :) Nice! well untuk Metalheads diluar sana, tenang saja, karena EverTune juga bakal merilis bridge ini untuk gitar dengan 7 senar atau 8 senar! sadis!. Menggunakan senar ukuran besar? tidak masalah bagi bridge ini. Sekali stem - tidak akan fals FOR-EVER.
Saat ini cukup mudah ditemukan gitar elektrik yang sudah mengaplikasikan EverTune Bridge ini, mulai dari ESP LTD, Musicman Sterling, VGS Guitars, Fender, Gibson, Ibanez, Washburn Parallaxe dan lain sebagainya.
Go get one, and find out !
Desember 17, 2013
Kota Solo lagi-lagi bakal disambangin sama gitaris - gitaris keren ini, ada Om Balawan, BengBeng "Pas Band", JPI "RI 1", Ipung "Power Metal", dan Andy Owen (sekalian MC pasti nih! :D).
Penasaran mau liat performance mereka dan mau kulik Guitar Rig mereka? dateng aja kesana !
See You There !!
Desember 13, 2013
Yuups! Whazzup adiksigitaris ?!!
Wew, Kota Solo akhir-akhir ini cuacanya sangat tidak bersahabat, hujan terus, dingin, lembab... Bikin males kemana-mana. Ya ga? so, mending masuk kamar, ambil gitar kamu, genjrang-genjreng sambil baca artikel-artikel yang ada di blog khusus gitar elektrik ini. :D. What a life...
....................................... Mungkin kamu masih ingat, kalau kita mundur kurang lebih 2 dekade yang lalu alias 20 tahun yang lalu, sekitar tahun 80'an dan 90'an gitar elektrik dengan brand WASHBURN ini sangat terkenal dan dekat dengan gitaris musisi Rock dan Metal. Sebut saja, mulai dari Nuno Bettencourt, Steve Stevens, Paul Stanley, Dimebag Darrel, Michael Angelo Batio sampai Scott Ian dan masih banyak lagi.
Washburn Guitars Co. merupakan salah satu pabrikan gitar dan istrumen berdawai tertua dunia, bahkan jauh sebelum Leo Fender terkenal dengan Telecaster dan Stratocasternya, karena Washburn sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1883 di kota Chicago USA, sebuah legacy dan heritage di dunia musik yang sangat berpengaruh. Tapi, seiring perkembangan zaman pada saat itu, dimana mulai banyak pesaing-pesaing baru yang menciptakan gitar elektrik dengan karakter dan inovasinya masing-masing, popularitas Washburn boleh dibilang mulai meredup dan mulai ditinggalkan oleh para gitaris pada era tahun 2000an.
Cukup banyak seri dari gitar elektrik ini yang cukup terkenal pada masanya, mulai dari Chicago Series, Bantam Series, HB Series, Jazz Series, Idol Series, Maverick Series, MG Series, HM Series, X Series, Signature Series dan lain sebagainya. Kebanyakan dari model tersebut sangat terkenal di era tahun 70an, 80an sampai 90an serta maksimal era 2000an awal. Bahkan inovasi Stephen Extended Cutaway (ketebalan neck yang merata dari fret 1 sampai 24) dan Buzz Feiten Tuning System (anti buzzing) merupakan inovasi asli dari pabrikan ini. Salah satu PR Washburn juga mengatakan bahwa memang mereka sempat "meninggalkan" produk gitar elektrik mereka dan lebih concern kepada produknya akustiknya, tanpa melakukan inovasi sama sekali pada produk elektrik di tahun-tahun belakangan ini.
Tetapi untuk kamu para gitaris shred yang mungkin kangen dan penasaran dengan performance Washburn yang dulu sempat merajai panggung Rock dan Metal dunia tenang saja, karena beberapa waktu yang lalu mereka mengumumkan kalau mereka sudah siap terjun kembali di arena berdarah persaingan gitar elektrik dan akan sangat memanjakan gitaris (khususnya Shred Style) dengan dirilisnya produk terbaru Washburn Parallaxe Series. Hell Yeah!
Penasaran dengan produk terbaru pabrikan Washburn ini?! Yang jelas, gitar terbaru mereka terdiri atas 3 kategori seri yaitu PXM, PXS dan PXL. Masing-masing dengan karakternya sendiri-sendiri dengan pilihan headstock yang berbeda (inline/3on3), konfig PU pasif (duncan) atau aktif (EMG), double cutway maupun single cutway body, rosewood/ebony fingerboard, Floyd Rose tremolo bridge ataupun Stop Tail bridge, Maple veneer Finish maupun Solid Finish, semuanya tersedia! keren! terdapat pilihan untuk 6 senar, 7 senar ataupun 8 senar dan kesemuanya menggunakan teknologi Stephen Extended Cutaway serta Buzz Feiten Tuning System. Whoaa!
Sedikit bocoran untuk kamu nih adiksigitaris, ternyata Washburn Parrallaxe Series merupakan gitar elektrik dengan inovasi yang mumpuni! ya!! kamu tidak perlu khawatir dengan noise dari Floyd Rose nya, karena sudah disematkan karet untuk meredam bahkan mengeliminasi suara berisik dari pegasnya ketika kamu membending atau sedang melakukan dive bomb, cool!.
Kenapa disebut dengan Parallaxe? weitz, ternyata selain menyediakan fitur coil splitting pada setiap PU humbuckernya, gitar ini juga dilengkapi dengan switcher seri/parallel pada potensio volumenya, keren kan?! dan yang terpenting gitar ini diproduksi oleh tangan terampil LUTHIER INDONESIA dan dilabeli dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau. :)
Go Shred with it !!
Desember 11, 2013
The Greatest Guitar Manufacturing Company in Japan - FGN GUITARS -
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FGN Guitars Logo |
The Greatest Guitar Manufacturing Company in Japan
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Factory Label |
Established in 1960, FUJIGEN has been manufacturing guitars and basses for many world famous labels for half a century. As the original manufacturer, we sign responsible for the high quality (and probably for the success) of many of the worlds most respected brands. Today, FUJIGEN is expanding into a global market with the aim to establish the name FUJIGEN as its original brand. FUJIGEN claims its leadership in the world of electric guitars due to its know-how in the treatment of wood.
The ≪Fujigen instrumental Manufacturing Co., Ltd≫ was established in 1960. The term ≪Fuji≫ refer to Japans holy Mount Fuji, it was chosen to underline the company's goal to become the world's No.1 guitar manufacturer.
At FUJIGEN we started with classical guitars manufacturing, but soon shifted to electric guitars to meet a quickly growing demand by overseas business partners, especially in the USA, where electric guitars were becoming very popular. Classical guitars remained our main product in the domestic Japanese market.
Inexperienced with this new approach of electric instruments, our craftsmen and engineers did meticulous analysis of existing guitar products and accumulated its experience and skills by continuous research. By trial and error and through a long series of tests and prototypes, we gathered substantiated experiences as our key to become one of the top guitar makers of the world.
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50th Anniversary Edition / Shogun-Like Guitar |
In 1977, through a joint capital investment
between Roland Corporation and FUJIGEN, we established the FUJI ROLAND
CORP, based in Matsumoto. Together we developed the world's first guitar
synthesizer GR-500. As its succesor, the most successful GR-300 / G-808
is still favored by many of today's guitarists such as Pat Metheny.
In 1982, we started to cooperate with CBS Fender Corporation to strengthen our footing in the American market. FUJIGEN was a top OEM (Original Equipment Manufactures) with great experience and production capacity. Our monthly output was raised up to 14000 electric guitars. This was world leadership. In 1983, we had reached out goal.
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J Series |
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Expert Series |
In April 1989 we
changed our name from "Fuji Gen Gakki Manufacturing Corp." to simply
"Fujigen" and decided to supporting companies, form a group and promote
each company's development individually. Together we motivated and
encouraged all employees to open up a new era in the world guitar
FUJIGEN has an accumulation of knowledge and technology in the field of guitar production that has been developed over many years. For the methods of care, drying, and coating for all woods, our know-how and technology are unrivaled by any other maker.
We see a worldwide increasing demand into improvement, thus we invest into continuous research for superior original products. In the field of electric guitars, we have decided to put quality over quantity and establish ourselves as a brand for middle and high grade guitars. To develop technologies and to establish them in various working fields is an economical key factor of today's manufacturing companies.
Now FUJIGEN has excellent production lines for electric guitars. We concentrate on top signature models for famous domestic and overseas brands.
FUJIGEN has now 3 factories in 3 locations: The head factory in Matsumoto City, the Omachi factory in Matsumoto surrounding area and the Ohotsuku factory in Hokkaido. In our factory, all timbers imported from overseas are seasoned by our proprietary drying system. Top conditioned wood gets accurately shaped by 5 axis CNC-routers for guitar bodies and necks. In both the head factory in Matsumoto and in the Ohotsuku factory, products are coated, assembled and finished.
As an OEM for top brands, we intend to tighten our position in terms of quality over quantity as a reliable partner. In order to attain the certain independence and to realize our own design ideas, we have launched our brand FGN for overseas market. We have opened an original custom shop in Ikebukuro, Tokyo and we launched a Japanese online-shop for FUJIGEN / FGN brand guitars and basses. We recently started establishing a worldwide distribution network for FGN branded products.
With all this, FGN is striving to use all of its assets as effectively as possible to make progress towards a top brand guitar maker with a big name: FGN Guitars Japan.
FUJIGEN has an accumulation of knowledge and technology in the field of guitar production that has been developed over many years. For the methods of care, drying, and coating for all woods, our know-how and technology are unrivaled by any other maker.
We see a worldwide increasing demand into improvement, thus we invest into continuous research for superior original products. In the field of electric guitars, we have decided to put quality over quantity and establish ourselves as a brand for middle and high grade guitars. To develop technologies and to establish them in various working fields is an economical key factor of today's manufacturing companies.
Now FUJIGEN has excellent production lines for electric guitars. We concentrate on top signature models for famous domestic and overseas brands.
FUJIGEN has now 3 factories in 3 locations: The head factory in Matsumoto City, the Omachi factory in Matsumoto surrounding area and the Ohotsuku factory in Hokkaido. In our factory, all timbers imported from overseas are seasoned by our proprietary drying system. Top conditioned wood gets accurately shaped by 5 axis CNC-routers for guitar bodies and necks. In both the head factory in Matsumoto and in the Ohotsuku factory, products are coated, assembled and finished.
As an OEM for top brands, we intend to tighten our position in terms of quality over quantity as a reliable partner. In order to attain the certain independence and to realize our own design ideas, we have launched our brand FGN for overseas market. We have opened an original custom shop in Ikebukuro, Tokyo and we launched a Japanese online-shop for FUJIGEN / FGN brand guitars and basses. We recently started establishing a worldwide distribution network for FGN branded products.
With all this, FGN is striving to use all of its assets as effectively as possible to make progress towards a top brand guitar maker with a big name: FGN Guitars Japan.
Sedikit bocoran untuk kamu adiksigitaris yang belum begitu mengetahui tentang pabrikan yang satu ini, mereka ini adalah pabrikan yang juga memproduksi gitar elektrik Ibanez seri Prestige yang terkenal itu, karena memang Fujigen menerima orderan dari berbagai macam brand gitar elektrik terkemuka dunia.
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